Professor Franco Ferrari to speak at the Dubrovnik Conference on Cross-Border Dispute Resolution

Professor Franco Ferrari, the Executive Director of the NYU School of Law’s Center for Transnational Litigation, Arbitration, and Commercial Law will participate in the Dubrovnik Conference on Cross-Border Dispute Resolution, co-hosted by the Law Schools of the University of Pittsburgh, the University of Verona, and the University of Zagreb. The Conference will start on Wednesday, May 8th, 2024, with a half-day session on cross-border professional responsibility and privilege, followed by full-day sessions on Thursday, May 9th, and Friday, May 10th, covering essential aspects of international arbitration and international litigation. Each day will include discussion-oriented presentations and workshops on practical international arbitration and litigation issues. Professor Ferrari will participate as a speaker on both Thursday and Friday. His talks will focus on the importance of the seat of arbitration and forum shopping, respectively. 

The other presenters will be Professor Ronald A. Brand (University of Pittsburgh School of Law), Professor Milena Djordjevic (University of Belgrade), Professor Dora Zgrabljić Rotar (University of Zagreb), Professor Giesela Rühl (Humboldt University Berlin), and Professor Marco Torsello. For more information, including the full program, please click here.