The Center will host a webinar series entitled “Contract Law for Arbitrators: Brazilian Law, New York Law, and Transnational Law. The four webinars, to be held on April 20 and 29, and May 3 and 13th, 2022, which will be moderated by Professor Franco Ferrari, the Center’s Director, and Professor Cristiano de Sousa Zanetti form Universidade de São Paulo, will address four specific contract law issues, which over the last years have been the focus of many arbitration proceedings all over the world, namely contract interpretation , change of circumstances and economic hardship, good faith, and penalty clauses. Each issue will be examined from the perspectives of Brazilian law, New York law, and transnational law, including the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG), by leading arbitration practitioners, such as Rafael Alves, Eduardo Damião Gonçalves, Benno Kimmelman, D. Brian King, Juliana Krueger Pela, Catarina Monteiro Pires, Ina Popova, and Laurence Shore.
Participation in the webinars is free of charge but requires registration. To register, follow the links to be found on the attached flyer.